O is the Sun, D is the Dawn
W is a Wave of Water. How Words Bloom from Pictures Hidden in the Alphabet
O is the Sun, D is the Dawn: How words bloom from pictures in the alphabet by Celeste Claire Horner reveals the international symbolism of each letter of the alphabet, reinventing the dictionary with pictographic definitions which supply the rational, letter by letter derivation of word meaning from a global perspective. Finally, the power of the technique will be demonstrated as readers use their new insights to translate text and songs in a wide variety of languages including Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, Egyptian hieroglyphs, ancient Hebrew, Sumerian, Swahili, Australian aboriginal Anangu, Cherokee, Mayan, and more!

Letters are Pictures!
W looks like a wave of water, and
the w-sound is related to water words
around the world:
English: water, wave, wash, wet, dew, weep, well, wax (excludes water)
flow, fluid, liquid, swallow,
drown, thaw, straw, swirl, swim
wade, wake, wring, whirlpool
Spanish: agua, "agwa", water
French: eau, "ohw", water
Hawaiian: wai, water
Egyptian: mw, water
Chinese: 水 shuǐ, "shwi", water
Hopi walalata , waves
You can become more multi-lingual in minutes once you learn the secret of the universal symbols for commonly shared patterns of sound and meaning around the world!

Celeste Claire Horner
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