MeTa-language Relations to Phoenician
A - Aleph, ox. Antecedent.
A is a rotated view of an ox head and protruding horns. A is also the shape of the plow blade. Why is "A" the first letter of the alphabet? The original Words-in- Bloom.com theory regarding this enduring mystery is that the Bronze-age farmers who developed the alphabet associated the ox with beginning because plowing comes before planting, growth, and harvest. The letter A relates to antecedent, ancient, antique, and "antes", which means "before" in Spanish.
B - Beth, house. B depicts the human torso, chest, abdomen and back. The body is the house of the spirit. B depicts a woman's body, breasts, and pregnant belly, or womB, which houses the infant. B has the form of an open Book, or the two rollers of a scroll. A book is a house of ideas. Pun alert! A Boat is the Bet (house) of the sea-going Phoenicians who propagated and developed the alphabet. B symbolized by the bow-shaped bracket ) has the form of an ancient boat keel. The capital letter B, could also depict a double hull, or out-rigger sailboat. A and B together form a sail boat, where A is is the sAil, and air.
B is also the mouth, the lips in profile.
"Boca", the Spanish word for mouth, is the house of the teeth.
Γ - gimmel. The letters A and B can depict a Bow and Arrow. The gimmel Γ has the form of another ancient weapon or hunting tool, a throwing stick, or boomerang.
G represents the dual principle of Give and Get: Giving, Generous, Getting, Gripping, Gorging, piG and hoG. The boomerang embodies this principle: if you give it a throw, you will get it back!
H - heth. fence, Phoenician.
Half, House. Horizon. th ϴ, e rising sun.
High ladder, Heaven.
h - he! Phoenician. Figure kneeling
worshipping or greeting the
rising sun? Hello!
(Helios, sun, Greek).
Hello! Hola! (hello, Spanish), ahoy!
Howdy! How! (Native American greeting).
Hail! Hands held high to honor
the Hot Heart of Holy Heaven.
Hau! Hello, Lakota Sioux
Ni Hau! Hello! Chinese
Né, (birth), i light- Heaven Arising Up!
Y - yodh. Yielding, praYing hand.
Yd, יָד, hand, Hebrew
Yamin יָמִין hand, Hebrew,
Yòu, 又, hand, Chinese.
Yonder, geYser, beYond, skY.
K - kaph. palm of the hand
KEEP, claw, clutch, spike
capture, cage
M - mem. 𐤌𐤌 water, Phoenician.
Marine, marsh, moist, immerse
mercury, milk
El mar (the sea, Spanish),
La Mer (the sea, French)
Mò 沒 (flood, immerse, Chinese)
Mw (waters, Egyptian hieroglyphics)
Miní, (water, Lakota)
N - nun. snake, Phoenician.
UNDULATION, sinusoid, serpeNt
O - ayin. eye, Phoenician.
Ojo (eye, Spanish)
Q - Qoph. eye of a needle, Phoenician.
AQuarius which pours water, or Coffee!
Aqueduct. Quelle (source, German)
Quarry, source of stone. Cooking, copper,
cuisine. Q suggests cauldron and spoon.
Quill pen. Quote, the source of words. EloQuent, words flowing from open mouth. SeQuence of flow. Cough, from open mouth. Quiver, source of arrows. Quebec, mouth of the St. Lawrence River. LiQuid, Qaraffe, Alcohol, also associated with pouring from mouth of the vessel Q.
泉 quán (spring, fountain, Chinese)
The figure 8 form of the Phoenician qoph suggests copy, budding cell propagation.
R - Resh. head, Phoenician.
R looks like head and
neck of a horse. ∃R.
E and shag or sheet sh symbol |||
complete the picture of
the horse's mane.
DRAFT 2017.9.4
Iora, Aboriginal Australian (1)
B bow shape )
O rotation, OO circling
m manual, hand launch
e helical rotation
E fingers
E heaven, layers of sky
r arc, round, return
r ⊙, Egyptian Ra
A hAnd, fingers flexing
A Arrow Aiming Above, air, heaven
n finger tip
n canopy of sky
G grip, give, get
G Γ (gimmel,Phoenician; gamma, Greek) shape of boomerang
G Y (gamma, Greek) hand throw, yield
Boomerang: A bow-shaped object which rotates in the sky and returns to the hand that threw it.
1. Abley, Mark (2003). Spoken Here: Travels among threatened languages. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co). p 14.